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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Check out the school website Guys: 

What's New?  Menu

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Go through this 1B powerpoint and answer questions please on paper. 
You need to practice your timing and handwriting skills.

Remember your sentence starter sheet to aid you please.

25 marks here guys.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Urgent Problem you all need to sort out right away.

All groups you need to double check that you have placed all relevant posts on your GROUP BLOG.

A lot of posts are missing and I can see you have put them on your individual blogs not the group blog.

Some will need to go on both with the student name of who posted the blog.

Make sure your headline says A2 Media Studies: Group 1,2,3 (student names).

Monday, May 4, 2015

Tuesday 5th May 2015 

Today is the day to finalise all blog posts.

You will have until 5pm to ensure all work is up to date and directly links to your Music Video Production.

Ensure all research, theorists, planning, storyboards, scripts, screen shots, dialogue with your group members, contact sheets, post production, version 1 and version 2 please (Final) comments and evaluations are clear and well presented.

Remember you are a team and also an individual, ensure your work is linked to group and individual blogs saying exactly what you did.

You have all produced marvellous work so now you must ensure it meets all grading criteria.

Go over the A3 grade criteria sheet from February that I gave to you and see how you are doing - you have a grade/ mark from me from that date with feedback. 

Congratulations to all who uploaded and explored various methods to present your evaluations many weeks ago.

Any outstanding  evaluations must be uploaded and completed by the end of today.

Good luck guys.......

It is back to exam prep work after today.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Today 24th April 2015

1.  Go through Joel Lampkin’s blog from last year he got 80 marks for coursework. (Miss Walsh – A2 – Joel Lampkin)

2.  Compare your coursework with his and see what areas you have not covered/ discussed – where you have surpassed his work. This will give you an indicator of where you are more/ less successful and so far you are mostly in the 70-90’s.

3.  Go through all of your blog posts and print out all posts that contain comments from you and me.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

• OK guys you should have completed all seven WeMedia & Democracy questions by the end of this week. 

• You are to hand all in to me on Tuesday.

I will be giving you a number of actual exam questions for the next two weeks to tackle.
Transcript of We Media & Democracy

7 Questions for you to answer based on the Prezi earlier in blog

Introduction to studying 'We Media' and Democracy

• What is 'We Media'?

Gillmor defines it as: ordinary people creating their own media e.g. blogging, file sharing, video uploading, podcasting, wikis, 2nd Life etc

The important thing is that it uses easily accessible technologies.

• So what is Democracy? A society founded on equality - the people who make the decisions are elected and accountable.

Gillmor believed that the power of the media rested in too few hands (he called these the Big Media) but he also believed that access to  the internet would challenge that  supremacy as the 'former audience'  made its own media and media decisions therefore making it more democratic.

• Activity 1: Do a chart of the pros and cons of Big Media versus We Media

See article by the BBC on Rupert Murdoch - Discuss.

Key issues to think about are:  
• Access       • democracy    

• truth     • bias / fairness / impartiality                               • representation                   • privacy

• Activity 2: What are the issues with these?
Spidergram the issues with points springing off them.

• Activity 3: Research the time frames for these and draw a time line for them:

            • look up CNN on wikipedia find out:
            • which news events were they famous for breaking.
            • when did CNN go to 24 hr rolling news?
            • when did BBC news get its 24 hr news channel going?
            • when did ITV and when did it 'can' it?
            • when did YouTube get started?
            • look up Twitter and find out what events it has played a major part in.

            • when did the internet get started
            • what year did CERN announce the advent of the world wide web?

            • make a list of particularly news worthy events which have been covered on 24 hr news and any specific digital technologies which have played a part in the story or   its dissemination. (over the past two years)

• Activity 4: do research into the accessibility of the internet in different parts of the world.

See this article about Hong Kong]

Now for some key terms:
                                                • Hegemony and
                                                • Ideology
make sure you understand these and can use them accurately.  
(Dictionary def in your exercise books too)

• Activity 5: Choose one of these to research:

                               • Rupert Murdoch and News Corporation
                               • the BBC
                               • Richard Branson and his Virgin Media Empire
                               • CNN
                               • Fox News
                               • Google
                               • EMap

• Write a brief summary of their history and the ethos and beliefs held or espoused by the company.

• Describe and explain the effect of any of their ideological or hegemonic views.

This clip is Noam Chomsky on 'manufacturing consent'      - [5 mins]

• This clip is about democracy and digital technologies   -   [1 1/2 mins]             

• This clip is about the internet and its influence on politics

• This clip is about China and Google.

• What hegemonic and ideological views are displayed in this clip?

What about Freedom of Speech?

    • look at the 'mother-in-law's e-mail' [see document handed out]
    • and super-injunctions?
    • watch Ryan Giggs and Twitter - mocked on 'Have I Got New For You.'

• Activity 6: Write an assessment of the conflicting issues involved in freedom of the press versus the rights of the individual to privacy giving examples from stories in the media in recent times.

• Watch clips of the news about the London riots and the role of social networks. Search and collate evidence to form opinions. Relate to theorists.

• Activity 7: 'What will happen next? The role of Twitter and social networking sites.'
Discuss and write an overview of your findings.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Easter Homework based on We Media & Democracy Prezi (see blog)

(120 minutes)

• Activity 5: Choose one of these to research:

                                                • Rupert Murdoch and News Corporation
                                                • the BBC
                                                • Richard Branson and his Virgin Media Empire
                                                • CNN
                                                • Fox News
                                                • Google
                                                • EMap

• Write a brief summary of their history and the ethos and beliefs held or espoused by the company.

• Describe and explain the effect of any of their ideological or hegemonic views.

This clip is about democracy and digital technologies   -   [1 1/2 mins]             

This clip is about the internet and its influence on politics

This clip is about China and Google.

• What hegemonic and ideological views are displayed in this clip?

ESSAY PLANNING Power Point for
1b Critical Perspectives in Media

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Activity 2 - homework

• From your spider gram of issues and points created in session based on Rupert Murdoch,

• you are to now develop the diagram further and write up a 500 word essay outlining 'the downfall of his empire!' US or Uk.

• Read around Murdoch, watch and listen to interviews.

• Note all sites/ articles you have referred to please.

Plan & essay to be handed in on Friday and marked.

Monday, March 16, 2015

We will be working on the content of this presentation for the next two weeks.

You are required to complete all tasks when asked to by myself & Mr Dougan, to enable you to develop your skills to 
level 4 standard.

The areas we will discuss in lesson are integral to your essay content.

You must keep abreast of the news and keep up to date with current events and how they are presented, portrayed and printed on a local, national, European and Global platform.

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Sample Questions

 ‘We Media’ and Democracy

1. “The media have become more democratic in recent years.” 
Using specific examples of media media activity from two media to support your answer, evaluate the accuracy of this statement.

For – blogging, user generated content and the uploading 
of content have empowered the audience.

Against – the major media institutions are still the owners and gatekeepers of the media platforms that distribute user generated content i.e. Google own YouTube and Rupert Murdoch owns MySpace.

Against – how able is a solitary weblog to match the global reach of a media conglomerate.